
Comunidad Creativa



Master director

[vc_custom_heading text=»Art Museum or Art Gallery» font_container=»tag:h1|text_align:center» use_theme_fonts=»yes»]

An art museum or art gallery is a building or space for the exhibition of art, usually visual art. Museums can be public or private, but what distinguishes a museum is the ownership of a collection. Paintings are the most commonly displayed art objects;

Although primarily concerned with providing a space to show works of visual art, art galleries are sometimes used to host other artistic activities, such as performance arts, music concerts, or poetry readings.

[lvca_accordion][lvca_panel panel_title=»Caminata»]Tacaminando[/lvca_panel][lvca_panel panel_title=»Caminero»]Sombra presente[/lvca_panel][/lvca_accordion]
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Fernandez Gonzalo

Preferidor de aquellito

Liliana Álvarez

Guionista, instructora, creativa.

Enzo Rodríguez Suarez

Diseño Ilustración Fotografía

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